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Acceptance Requirements For Stainless Steel Storage Tanks

Pulished on Apr. 24, 2019

Here is Top Open Water Storage Tank Manufacturer talking about Acceptance requirements for stainless steel storage tanks.

If you have any idea about it, welcome to contact us and discuss.

Stainless Steel Storage Tank For Food

1. The construction, inspection, and acceptance of the anti-corrosion engineering of stainless steel storage tanks shall be carried out in strict accordance with the "Technical Specifications for Corrosion Protection of Petrochemical Equipment and Pipeline Coatings". After the surface of the anti-corrosion materials is dry, the primer film shall be applied to the bottom layer, the intermediate layer, and the surface layer respectively. Dry film thickness measurement, the dry film thickness of each layer and total dry film thickness of the coating shall meet the relevant requirements in this regulation.

2. Check the number of coating passes and the quality of the coating, and perform a visual inspection after the coating is completed. The main inspection contents of the coating quality include: whether the coating has leakage coating, rust, air bubbles, bottoming, sag, wrinkle, etc. Whether the coating is smooth and smooth, the color is uniform, and the coating is detected by a magnifying glass of 5 to 10 times. In the case of pinholes, or by using the wet sponge method, the pinhole rate of the coating shall be checked, and the sampling rate shall not be less than 5% of the coated area.

3. When brushing the paint, measure the wet film thickness with a wet film thickness gauge.

4. After the stainless steel storage tank is finished with anti-corrosion coating, after the paint film is dried, the thickness of the coating is measured by a thickness gauge.

5. The thickness of the stainless steel storage tank coating is required to be uniform. The acceptance standard adopts the “90-10 rule”, that is, 90% of the measured value should reach the specified dry film thickness, and the 10% value is allowed to be low, but it is greater than the “specified value of 90”. %", otherwise the number of coatings should be increased until it is qualified.

6. For the conductive coating, after the construction is completed and the paint film is dried, the resistivity of the coating is measured by the paint resistivity meter. The surface resistivity of the coating electrical property test results should be less than 109 Ω, or the volume resistivity is less than 108Ω.m, and the test results should be within the same order of magnitude.

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